Go For the Gold!

Every 2 years, the Olympics cause excitement in my house. The kids actually want to watch the same thing on TV as the adults! We love cheering on these hard working athletes and learning the rules of sports we don’t typically watch. I also love hearing their inspiring stories, the risks they took and the adversity they have overcome to make it to this point, and the unwavering support of friends and family. It is so filled with feel-goodness it makes me want to go for the gold!

Ok, so this middle-aged body is not going to make it on the half pipe or in the super G. Maybe you feel the same way? But we can all take a lesson from these athletes. Take a risk. Do something out of your comfort zone. Do something you’ve always wanted to do but always had some reason why you couldn’t.

This rings true for many people after cancer treatment. They suddenly look at life differently. They take a risk and train for a fundraiser 5K. They take a risk and quit their corporate job to work in the non-profit sector or start a business to help others. They become a buddy to help someone else going through cancer treatment. They step outside their comfort zone – and find out it feels good.

You see, going through cancer treatment feels like a risk. You’ve got to do it, but it makes you feel uncertain, nervous, and out of control. Once you’ve been through it, other risks may seem small. You’ve seen what you are capable of and you want to put that strength to good use. After all, these folks are cancer Olympians!

Let all these Olympians inspire you to go for the gold this year. Take a risk, do something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t found the guts to do. You might just surprise yourself.

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