Breaking News: Medical Debt and Your Credit Report
Posted March 23rd, 2022
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
Medical debt is the largest source of personal debt in the US. Two-thirds of all personal bankruptcies are due to medical bills. About 115 million Americans under 65 report issues with medical bills, have skipped medical care due to cost, or have been uninsured/underinsured. As a result, more and more Americans are seeing their credit […]

Eight Tips for Addressing Medical Billing Issues
Posted May 25th, 2016
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
Recently, I had the pleasure (sarcasm intended) of dealing with a collections agency regarding a $20.00 medical debt from 2015. I found this FASCINATING, as I had never received any bills related to this visit, nor had I actually had an office visit on the day on the bill! It got me thinking that now […]

Breaking News: Changes to Credit Reporting of Medical Debt
Posted March 16th, 2015
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
Credit bureaus have made some changes to the way medical debt is included on your credit report, as well as how long it can stay on your report. Learn about these changes to credit reporting.