Benefits of Cannabis for Women’s Health

Posted August 1st, 2016

Cannabis medicine can impact women’s health, hormones and stress response. It is incredibly helpful in regaining balance and homeostasis. For those who suffer from scanxiety (Scan Anxiety), Cannabis can help balance the endocannabinoid system to moderate this tension. We know that stress is the main driver of a metastatic process. We invite you to listen […]

Is Ayurveda the Answer to Women’s Health Issues?

Posted September 1st, 2015

Does the key to chronic health issues with women lie within the wisdom of a 5000 year old practice? Ayurveda comes from India and is the science of life ( Ayur=life, Veda=science or knowledge ). Long connected with the practice of Yoga, a sister science, it was left behind when Yoga came to the United […]