Live from Living Beyond Breast Cancer’s April Community Meeting on April 7th at 6:30PM ET! Listen to the audio archive and view the slides below. There is no video of the presentation. To listen to the audio, press the orange play arrow below! You can open the slides below in a PDF file.
Click here for Presentation Slides – Managing Fear

During this free community meeting Deborah Seagull, PhD, will address the complex emotions you may be feeling as a woman diagnosed with breast cancer. Whether you are recently diagnosed or living with a history of breast cancer, Dr. Seagull will help you:
- Address the complex emotions you may be feeling and what may trigger emotions of fear, sadness or anxiety
- Discuss how feelings associated with your diagnosis may change and develop over time
- Explore practical tools and tips to help you effectively manage and cope with these emotions
About Our Speaker
Deborah Seagull, PhD, earned her doctorate degree from the Derner Institute at Adelphi University in N.Y., specializing in psychoanalytic and health psychology. She worked at the cancer center at Pennsylvania Hospital for the 8 years, helping people diagnosed with cancer and their families cope with the illness. She is currently in private practice in Center City and continues to focus on this population.