This webinar looks at the clinical considerations in the planning, development, and operation of a proton therapy facility, with emphasis on quality, safety and clinical excellence. This webinar is presented by Dr. James Metz, Chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Pennsylvania.
About the speaker:
James M. Metz, MD, is the Chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology in the Perelman School of Medicine at

the University of Pennsylvania. He is a radiation oncologist who specializes in the treatment of gastrointestinal malignancies and the retreatment of previously irradiated tumors. He has led numerous clinical trials in gastrointestinal cancer with a particular interest in maintaining normal organ function. Dr. Metz led the development of the Roberts Proton Therapy Center, the largest proton center in the world, which opened in 2010. He has been an international leader in the integration of proton therapy in the cancer treatment paradigm. As the long time Editor-in-Chief (and now Executive Director) of OncoLink, an award winning website and resource for cancer information, Dr. Metz pioneered the use of online cancer survivorship care plans and web-based cancer education and information. OncoLink ( has been named on numerous occasions as one of the Top 10 medical websites in the world by the National Library of Medicine.