I studied classical music, and one quote from Beethoven always stands out to me, “Music can change the world.” It is such a simple statement, yet so powerful. How does music have the ability to know exactly how we feel sometimes before we even know what we feel? The power of music has never ceased to amaze me. It has never failed to be a comfort to me when I was most afraid. Throughout every hardship, there has always been a “theme song” for that particular journey.
Now, as a society, we are faced with this scary, unprecedented time. We are feeling so many things, from fear to uncertainty to stress, and everything in between. As we continue to process what is happening on a daily basis, I am interested to hear what has been your “theme song” for hardship. It can be the hardship of illness, the pandemic, or something totally different.
Feel free to comment with a song that has gotten you through hardship. You can explain reasoning for choosing this song if you want. Also, if able, please post a link to this song from YouTube so others can choose to listen to it. Together, let’s change our world by sharing music with each other and offering support through song in our cyber community.
Allie McCrea has been involved with music for most of her life. After completing her Bachelor of Music degree in Washington D.C., she moved back to Philadelphia to pursue a master’s degree in Music Therapy at Temple University. She is finishing up her second year as a graduate student, spending most of her days helping people use music in many ways, especially for self-care. Allie fully believes in the words of playwright John Logan, who writes, “Music is the Medicine of the Mind” and hopes to share the power of music to both patients and their caregivers.
Someone recently introduced me to “My daily playlist” on Spotify – I have no idea how it works, but it puts together a playlist perfect for me. And when it comes to hard times, I call on any song that just makes me want to sing along as loud as I can!
One song that never fails to put a smile on my face is Bobby McFerrin’s “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.”
It reminds me of relaxation while sitting on a beach. Sometimes, I get trapped within my own worries or fears, and this song helps to remind me that I can always find a reason to be happy.