Why Aren’t They Doing More?
Posted November 7th, 2012
Bob Riter
I sometimes get asked various versions of this question: “My father has advanced cancer, but they don’t seem to be treating him very aggressively. Why aren’t they doing surgery to remove the metastases in his lungs and liver?”
Stepping Up for Neighbors
Posted September 10th, 2012
Bob Riter
In today’s column, I’d like to recognize a small group of people who step up to support a neighbor, a community member, or an acquaintance who would otherwise go through cancer alone.
Communicating With Your Doctor
Posted August 17th, 2012
Bob Riter
I’m always struck that some people diagnosed with cancer want to know absolutely everything about their disease while others just want to be told when to show up for treatment. Some people complain that their doctors give them too much information while others complain that their doctors give them too little. Every doctor I’ve known […]
Advice For Those Newly Diagnosed
Posted August 8th, 2012
Bob Riter
The first few days following a cancer diagnosis are like riding on top of a speeding train. You’re hanging on for dear life and can’t quite see what’s ahead.
Many Thanks
Posted July 16th, 2012
Bob Riter
When I visit individuals receiving cancer treatment, I routinely hear words of appreciation intended for those who been helpful, kind and supportive.
Clinical Trials
Posted July 5th, 2012
Bob Riter
People diagnosed with cancer often wonder if they should participate in a clinical trial.
Cancer As A Chronic Disease
Posted July 2nd, 2012
Bob Riter
More and more people are living with cancer – Bob takes a look at living with cancer as a “chronic disease.”
Cancer-Related Anxiety
Posted June 20th, 2012
Bob Riter
The days following a cancer diagnosis are almost always filled with anxiety.
The After Treatment Blahs
Posted June 11th, 2012
Bob Riter
Transitioning to being a survivor is often a difficult time. Bob presents some tips for making this a smooth transition.
A Review of Greetings from CancerLand: Writing the Journey to Recovery
Posted May 23rd, 2012
Bob Riter
We are so PROUD!! OncoLink’s Poet-in-Residence, Alysa Cummings has written a book, Greetings from CancerLand: Writing the Journey to Recovery. It is compilation of Alysa’s amazing essays and poems.