OncoLink Team Wins 2018 Excellence in Patient Education Award
Posted October 11th, 2018
OncoLink Team
The Cancer Patient Education Network (CPEN) honored OncoLink’s Patient Education Team with the 2018 Excellence in Patient Education Award. The award recognizes individuals or programs that use creative approaches to develop and circulate cancer education to patients and health care professionals. The OncoLink team received the award Friday October 5th, during the CPEN annual meeting […]

OncoLink named one of Healthline’s 2018 “Best Cancer Blogs of the Year”
Posted May 11th, 2018
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
Once again, the OncoLink blog has been named one of the Best Cancer Blogs of the year by Healthline. We are so proud of our writers who blog for us and share their expertise, experiences, and passion with you – this award reflects their commitment to cancer care, education and support. Our blog team comes […]