Resource Round-Up: 2Unstoppable
Posted May 16th, 2023
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
When you are given a diagnosis of breast cancer, exercise may not be top of mind – but perhaps it should be. There are many benefits to exercise – including: These benefits are not lost on Ilana Gamerman and Michelle Stravitz, two breast cancer survivors who saw how exercise and fitness support improved their own […]

In the Name of Pinkness
Posted October 8th, 2020
Alysa Cummings
I’m at the neighborhood Acme, standing in the produce aisle, reaching for some shiny red MacIntosh apples, when I hear a female voice behind me: Remind all the women in your life to get a mammogram… Startled, I drop the fruit into my shopping cart, look around the store, and try to figure out where […]
CancerLand Bookshelf: Sound Travels on Water
Posted February 26th, 2013
Alysa Cummings
Book Review: Serendipity: that’s the word that immediately comes to mind when I think about how I happened to connect with Kyle Potvin’s delightful chapbook, Sound Travels on Water.
A Review of Greetings from CancerLand: Writing the Journey to Recovery
Posted May 23rd, 2012
Bob Riter
We are so PROUD!! OncoLink’s Poet-in-Residence, Alysa Cummings has written a book, Greetings from CancerLand: Writing the Journey to Recovery. It is compilation of Alysa’s amazing essays and poems.
Greetings from CancerLand: Splendidly Imperfect 50/50
Posted January 30th, 2012
Alysa Cummings
Last time I checked, cancer is not a comedy. No way. No how. Not even close. Maybe that’s why I was so disturbed by the movie trailer for 50/50 when it first appeared on TV last year. For some unknown reason, they seemed to be marketing this cancer movie as a comedy. Seriously. Even though […]
Greetings from CancerLand: Plastic Surgeon Photo Shoot
Posted August 1st, 2011
Alysa Cummings
Alysa Cummings is a certified poetry therapist who focuses her energies full-time in support of cancer survivors using writing as a tool for healing.
Greetings from CancerLand: Sometimes I Almost Forget
Posted March 11th, 2011
Alysa Cummings
Alysa Cummings is a certified poetry therapist who focuses her energies full-time in support of cancer survivors using writing as a tool for healing.
Greetings from CancerLand: Old, She Said
Posted March 1st, 2011
Alysa Cummings
Saturday around noon there was a traffic jam at the Acme; a noticeable back up of shoppers heading southbound down aisle 5, right by the pretzel and candy displays (bags of Hershey miniatures on sale; two for six dollars with Supercard). All because of a slow moving senior citizen using her wagon as a walker, […]
Greetings from CancerLand: The Last Noel
Posted December 7th, 2010
Alysa Cummings
Alysa Cummings is a certified poetry therapist who focuses her energies full-time in support of cancer survivors using writing as a tool for healing.
A CancerLand Holiday Wishlist…or Please Help Me Get Through the Season
Posted November 22nd, 2010
Alysa Cummings
Holidays can be happy, happy, merry, merry or holidays can get on your last nerve. You know what I mean? Honestly, it’s true. And trust me, cancer may have very little to do with it. The season that starts with Thanksgiving and climaxes with New Year’s Day can drain anyone dry, even if you’re in […]