Giver of Care
Posted November 19th, 2015
Rodney Warner, JD
Every cancer patient ideally should have a care giver. One who can look after the person, get him or her to appointments and help them with their physical and emotional needs. Not everyone is so lucky. Through the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society I volunteer to speak to people dealing with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, something I had […]

Being a Caregiver
Posted November 2nd, 2015
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
November is National Family Caregiver Month. It’s hard to follow all the pinkness of October, but I hope the millions of people caring for loved ones get a little bit of the limelight this month. Think the NFL will wear caregiver awareness ribbons this month? You see, caregiving is a thankless job. You’re usually damned […]

How to Help a Cancer Patient’s Caregiver
Posted March 5th, 2015
Bob Riter
I often write columns that suggest ways that caregivers can help the person with cancer. Today, I want to suggest ways that the rest of us can help the caregiver. I’m defining caregiver as the person most involved in supporting the patient. It’s typically a spouse, child, parent, sibling, or friend. This is the person […]