Wine Racks and the Mystery of Survival
Posted September 16th, 2022
Rodney Warner, JD
I think I got the racks as a Christmas present in 2000. I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma the day after Thanksgiving that year, then started chemotherapy soon after (I think three to four days a week). When I put them together, I didn’t know what to think. Will I not live long enough to […]

Posted July 26th, 2022
Rodney Warner, JD
The Fear Never Goes Away. That’s By Choice. It’s been more than 21 years since I was first told I had cancer and nearly 20 years since I last got into remission. But cancer still haunts me. The thought of it returning terrifies me. Maybe it wouldn’t be so scary if it hadn’t nearly killed […]
Christina’s Resource Round-Up: Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Posted August 9th, 2011
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
Hi everyone! Welcome back to Christina’s Resource Round-Up. I apologize for the lag in my blog writing, but the summer heat has gotten the best of my creative writing juices! No worries, we’ve had a few cooler, less humid days of late, and my writer’s block seems to have resolved. In this installment, I’ll be […]
Posted June 15th, 2011
Rodney Warner, JD
Jay made me laugh. He had a dry, sarcastic humor, like my own. We had other things in common. We were regulars at the blood cancer support group at Gilda’s Club Delaware Valley. We also volunteered our time there. We also had been treated for lymphoma. I, for Hodgkin’s, he, for non-Hodgkin’s. Jay had a […]