Annual Health Insurance Education Webinar Series
Posted September 30th, 2016
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
Open enrollment for Medicare begins October 15th and for Affordable Care Act Plans on November 1st. To ensure that you are making the decision that is right for you, watch Christina’s updated insurance webinars where you can learn all you need to know. OncoLink is proud to present our annual health insurance education webinar series. […]

Annual Health Insurance Education Webinar Series
Posted October 29th, 2015
OncoLink Team
OncoLink is proud to present our annual health insurance education webinar series! This year, we have broken the webinars into shorter, topic-focused modules, allowing you to listen to all of the modules or just those that are important to you as you think about your open enrollment and health insurance needs. Module topics include: Medicare […]

What cancer patients need to know about Medicare open enrollment [Webinar]
Posted September 16th, 2013
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
October 25, 2013, 12:00-1:30 PM ET. This is the one time of year when Medicare recipients can make changes to their Medicare coverage during Medicare open enrollment.