What’s the Big Deal About Hair, Anyway?
Posted February 23rd, 2018
OncoLink Team
We are beautiful without it! Of all the things I was suddenly faced with once I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, losing my hair wasn’t at the top of my worry list. Although I professed not to care about this side effect of chemotherapy, it was an agonizing experience. I thought I had a fail-proof […]

It’s Not All Rainbows and Glitter
Posted March 29th, 2017
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
If you have never heard the words “you have cancer”, then what I am about to explain may defy logic, but bear with me. Let’s imagine you are heading to the cancer center for your last day of treatment – chemotherapy, radiation, whatever it may be. What are you feeling? What thoughts are running through […]

A New Life’s Work: A Multiple Myeloma Story
Posted March 17th, 2017
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
“Your bones are moth eaten.” That was Michael’s introduction to multiple myeloma. Just a few days earlier, he had taken a trip down the shore with his family. While body surfing, he got pummeled by a wave. It had happened before; he didn’t think much of it. But pain in his neck persisted. He rested. […]

What’s on your brave-making list?
Posted November 8th, 2016
Marlys Johnson
At the encouragement of a friend, I presented at this week’s IGNITE Bend event held at the historic Tower Theater. IGNITE events are produced in places like Helsinki, Paris and New York City. Presenters get 5 minutes and 20 slides, which automatically advance every 15 seconds. The tagline is: “Enlighten us, but make it quick.” And so I applied to […]

Webucation: Actions and Attitudes for Cancer Survivors
Posted May 28th, 2015
OncoLink Team
A look at actions and attitudes that can help make the cancer survivorship journey a little more manageable for cancer survivors.

So You Want to Start Exercising?
Posted December 9th, 2014
OncoLink Team
With the new year coming, many will start exercising, adding it to their resolutions without a plan to really make it happen. Try these tips to set yourself up for success.

Happy Mother’s Day
Posted May 1st, 2014
Donna-Lee Lista
The other day while shopping, my 26 year old daughter asked me what I wanted for mother’s day. We were looking at purses at an outlet and I mentioned I liked a particular purse and she said, “Do you want this for mother’s day?” I thought for a moment and realized I really didn’t want […]

Survivorship: A Roadmap for Managing Fear [Webinar]
Posted March 4th, 2014
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
Join us for a webinar broadcast live from Living Beyond Breast Cancer’s April Community Meeting on April 7th at 6:30PM ET.

I’ve Come a Long Way Baby!
Posted February 26th, 2014
Donna-Lee Lista
I haven’t sat down to compose in a while. Not because I have lost interest in the lung cancer world, but simply because I have been doing advocacy work and helping other people going through treatment.
Ten Years
Posted May 15th, 2013
Rodney Warner, JD
I had an allogeneic bone marrow transplant ten years ago this month. I managed to get into remission number three in March 2003.