COVID-19 Testing: What you need to know.
Posted August 19th, 2020
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
Five months into the COVID-19 pandemic and we have learned a lot. It is clear that the keys to getting control of the virus, until a vaccine is available, is a combination of personal actions (hand washing, social distancing, wearing a mask), and public health interventions like testing, contract tracing and isolating positive cases. Testing […]

Testing for COVID-19
Posted March 25th, 2020
Karen Arnold-Korzeniowski, BSN, RN
Last week an acquaintance of mine woke up with a low grade fever, runny nose, and cough. He is a healthcare provider who works in a variety of settings and also with people of all ages. He became concerned that he could have been exposed to COVID-19 and may be symptomatic. He called his primary […]