The recordings of these sessions are now available! Below you can click on the blue links to download the slides or from the video box you can scroll through to find all three videos.
Are you interested in learning more about the nuts and bolts of the Affordable Care Act? Are your parents becoming Medicare eligible and asking you for help navigating the enrollment? Join OncoLink for an informative insurance education seminar that will help you help your patients – and your parents!
- The Ins and Outs of Medicare Open Enrollment: What’s New for 2015?
Medicare 2015 Slides - The Affordable Care Act: An Update for 2015
ACA for 2015 Slides - The Pennsylvania Medicaid Expansion: What do Healthcare Providers Need to Know?
PA Medicaid Expansion Slides
Are you in the Philly area? Patients & caregivers are welcome to attend in person! Nurses and Social Workers who attend in person can receive 3 continuing education credits. Contact us for more information.