The month of October is a sea of pink. This sea of pink can bring about anxiety amongst those with a history of breast cancer, those being treated, those with a family history, survivors living with metastatic cancer, and so on. In an attempt to allay some of that anxiety, here are some facts about breast cancer during this month of awareness.
Finding a lump in your breast does not always mean you have breast cancer.
- Lumps in the breast are not always breast cancer. A lump can be a fluid filled sac called a cyst, an adenoma which is a non-cancerous glandular tissue growth, a lipoma which is a lump of fatty tissue, or a number of other things. It is good to be familiar with the normal feel and lumps in your own breast tissue. If you do find a new lump, call your provider to set up an appointment to further investigate the lump.
Breast cancer is not the number one cause of death in women.
- According to the CDC, the leading cause of death in women is heart disease, followed by cancer. In regards to cancer, lung cancer causes more deaths in women than breast cancer.
Breast cancer is not preventable and it is not your fault if you are diagnosed.
- You can lower your risk of breast cancer by maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, and limiting alcohol consumption. Some believe that doing things such as drinking dairy milk or using anti-perspirant/deodorant cause cancer, neither of which have ever been proven.
Breast cancer screening recommendations depend on a variety of factors.
- Screening recommendations depend on a number of factors. Some of these include age, family history, your medical history, if you have any known genetic mutations, and your personal health goals. Both the US. Preventive Task Force and the American Cancer Society make recommendations.
The fact that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer can be an unsettling statistic. It always is best to know all of the facts. At OncoLink, we provide information about a breast cancer diagnosis, risk and prevention, diagnosis and screening, treatment, and support to provide you with answers on many aspects of breast cancer.