Marc Cuban’s Cost Plus Drug Company: A Potential Gold Mine for SOME Prescription Medications

If you are one of the millions without prescription drug coverage or who have high out-of-pocket expenses for your medications, the Cost Plus Drug Company may be a great resource for you to access some of your medications.

Launched last week and founded by Billionaire Shark Tank investor Marc Cuban, Cost Plus has found a workaround to offer SOME generic medications at cost with a 15% mark up and $3 pharmacy fee. In many cases, this ends up being FAR LESS than you would pay for the medication at the pharmacy—especially if you don’t have prescription coverage.

Even bigger in the cancer world, is that Cost Plus offers imatinib, the generic of Gleevec. Gleevec is an oral medication used in the treatment of CML and GIST.  For years, this medication has proven difficult for patients to access due to cost.  Their transparent pricing example for imatinib, for a 1 month supply of 100mg tabs:

  • Retail price at “other” pharmacies-$2502.60
  • Cost Plus cost-$17.10

Oh, and they do charge $5.00 to ship your medications.

They also offer several medications for other medical conditions individuals with cancer may be coping with including acid reflux, blood thinners, diabetes, depression, nausea, and pain.

So, before your next trip to the pharmacy, it may be worth it FINANCIALLY to check out the drugs available and prices on Cost Plus pharmacy. No one should have to choose between putting food on their table and paying for their medications. This could be one step in helping make that a reality.

Christina is a clinical oncology social worker and the psychosocial content editor at OncoLink. Christina blogs about resources available to the cancer community, as well as general information about coping with cancer practically, emotionally, and financially. Christina is also an instructor at the Penn School of Social Policy and Practice. In her spare time, she loves to knit and volunteer with her therapy dogs, Linus and Huckleberry. She also loves to travel, cook and is an avid Philly sports fan.

4 thoughts on “Marc Cuban’s Cost Plus Drug Company: A Potential Gold Mine for SOME Prescription Medications

  1. Very on top of things, as usual, Christina. Thanks for sharing this information. Very useful and appreciated.

  2. Great to have foundations like yours to help those of us cannot afford their prescriptions. My medication for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor is Qinlock. The cost will put me on welfare eventually as my assets are slowly eaten away by the pharmaceutical companies. If you can’t help me, maybe you know of another foundation that can help me.
    Thank you!
    Stay well and happy,
    Keith Iverson

    1. Hi Keith I’d encourage you to connect with Accessia Health (formerly Patient Services Incorporated) as they have copay assistance and travel fund currently open for your disease type. You will need to meet their income eligibility requirements, but I’ve referred many folks to this fund over the years and found it to be so helpful. You can find out more on their website
      You can read more about copay programs on OncoLink at
      And if you have employer affiliated health coverage you can get help directly through the Pharma company

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