Medicare open enrollment for 2024 is from October 15th-December 7th. If you have Medicare, this is the time of year when you can make (some) changes to your Medicare coverage.

To help you get ready, over the next three days, we will share some great resources to GET EDUCATED about Medicare.
Check out these podcasts from the Cancer Support Community featuring OncoLink Psychosocial Content Editor Christina Bach, LCSW.
In these podcasts, Christina unpacks all things insurance. They are available free of charge and on demand. The first two episodes are now live, with two more to come in the future.
Check them out below or visit the Facing Cancer Together podcast page.
Christina Bach, MBE, LCSW, OSW-C, is an oncology social worker and insurance and financial expert. She is the psychosocial content editor at OncoLink and loves to learn more and share her knowledge about navigating health insurance for cancer patients and their families.