Benefits of Homeopathy
Posted June 15th, 2016
The 4Wholeness Team
Homeopathic medicine has been used for over 200 years. It is commonly used as an effective tool to reduce the bothersome side effects of cancer treatment alongside conventional cancer care. Now practiced by thousands of doctors and medical professionals in over 80 countries, it is a very safe option that has no known interactions with […]

Proton Therapy for the Non Proton Therapy Provider
Posted June 8th, 2016
OncoLink Team
Introduction: This webinar, presented by Dr. Hill-Kayser, focuses on the basics regarding treatment with proton therapy to educate providers about proton therapy who may have not had prior experience caring for a patient who will or has received proton therapy as treatment for cancer. About the presenter: Christine Hill-Kayser, MD, is a pediatric oncologist in […]

What Cancer Taught Us About Paying Attention
Posted June 2nd, 2016
Marlys Johnson
In a week of walks along the river that flows through the middle of my town, I snapped several photos – of young guitar player on large boulder; beautifully-choreographed fly fisherman’s cast; fallen tree growing its own lawn. As many times as I’ve walked this portion of the river trail—hundreds of times—it seems there’s always something […]

The Power of a Cancer Support Group
Posted May 26th, 2016
Bob Riter
People with cancer share differently within a cancer support group as compared to how they share with their family and friends. One woman recently told me that when she shares her cancer diagnosis with friends, the friends often say something like, “You’re going to be ok, right?” She went on to say, “In my support […]

Prescription for Depression – Whether Cancer Patient or Caregiver
Posted May 23rd, 2016
Marlys Johnson
It hung around way too late in the day before I recognized this no-energy-no-interest-in-anything blahness. That’s when I got out my script pad and wrote a prescription for mild depression: Go take a hike. Near a body of water. Part of the cure requires that the patient stop somewhere along the path to contemplate all there is […]

Yoga for Cancer
Posted May 18th, 2016
The 4Wholeness Team
Yoga is a tool to recover, reconnect, and rejuvenate. It is a way to strengthen the immune system, reduce stress, and help manage the side effects of chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation. We invite you to explore more about how yoga can make a difference and support cancer patients in this video below with Karen Gagnier. […]

Your Path Has Been Redirected By Cancer: Now What?
Posted May 2nd, 2016
Marlys Johnson
What circumstances have redirected your path? Cancer or other serious illness? Job loss? Or job change and subsequent relocation? Financial reversals? Death of a loved one? Widowhood?

Why Are We So Intent on Killing Ourselves?
Posted April 12th, 2016
Rodney Warner, JD
As time goes on you might assume that as medical knowledge and treatments progress over time, generally, we would live longer, healthier lives. That’s a false assumption for too many Americans according to two stories in the media based on two different medical studies. For large chunks of White America, especially women, life expectancies are […]

8 Cancer-Generated Secrets For Becoming More Attractive
Posted April 8th, 2016
Marlys Johnson
If you’ve lost something to cancer that is of incredible value — your health, a way of life, someone who is precious beyond words — then it is important to grieve. To take your time and grieve in your own way. At some point, though, it will be to your advantage and good health to set aside […]

Kick Butt’s Day!
Posted March 16th, 2016
Karen Arnold-Korzeniowski, BSN, RN
March 16, 2016 is Kick Butts Day. Kick Butts Day is a day of activism to empower youth to stand out, speak up and seize control against Big Tobacco nationwide. Events are organized to raise awareness of the problems of tobacco, encourage youth to reject the tobacco industry’s marketing, to stay tobacco free and to […]