Dear Caregivers, We See You and We Thank You.
Posted November 16th, 2018
Karen Arnold-Korzeniowski, BSN, RN
Caregivers are everywhere. They are taking care of the sick, the elderly, their family members, loved ones, neighbors…the list could go on and on. They work a sometimes thankless job and are not always recognized for all that they do. Despite this, they keep doing what they have to do to provide the best care […]

Giver of Care
Posted November 19th, 2015
Rodney Warner, JD
Every cancer patient ideally should have a care giver. One who can look after the person, get him or her to appointments and help them with their physical and emotional needs. Not everyone is so lucky. Through the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society I volunteer to speak to people dealing with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, something I had […]

A Hand to Hold
Posted November 16th, 2015
Karen Arnold-Korzeniowski, BSN, RN
Last week I had to have a test done that I had been told by my doctor would be uncomfortable. She instructed me to take ibuprofen prior to the test to manage the pain. I arrived to have the test done and was feeling a bit anxious. The wait in the waiting room was not […]

6 Insider Tips for Successful Caregiving
Posted November 10th, 2015
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
November is Caregiver Awareness Month. This past weekend, I had the opportunity to co-facilitate a support group session for caregivers. This group is so brave and compassionate. They were so happy to find others who could validate some of the things they were going through and help them feel not so alone. Common themes emerged […]