COVID-19 Vaccine Myth Busters
Posted January 28th, 2021
Courtney Misher, MPH, BSRT(T)
Myth: The COVID-19 vaccines aren’t safe because they were developed so quickly. Truth: The vaccines were indeed developed much faster than typical vaccines are normally developed. This is largely due to funding, getting the genetic code early, using technology that has been in development and testing for many years and the rapid recruitment rate of […]

Coping with COVID: New Stimulus Funds and Unemployment Benefit Update
Posted January 5th, 2021
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
By now, some of you may have received $600 stimulus payments as a result of the economic relief package recently passed by our government. Let’s take a closer look at the impact of this bill on individuals and families. Stimulus Payments If you have an adjusted gross income on your 2019 tax returns of less […]

Got the COVID Blues?
Posted August 12th, 2020
OncoLink Team
The coronavirus pandemic has changed the fabric of our lives the world over. Many have lost their jobs and their livelihoods. Frankly, it’s a dark time. On the bright side, we’re learning more about the coronavirus every day, and the promise of a vaccine brings us hope. An end to our quarantined lives. Many […]

Let’s Talk About Bubbles
Posted July 16th, 2020
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
Over the past five months (hard to believe we are five months in to life with COVID), we have had to adapt our way of life completely. From going grocery shopping, to having friends over to visit, to planning family vacations, we have a new set of steps we must go through BEFORE we do […]

Taking Control – Risks vs. Benefits
Posted July 14th, 2020
OncoLink Team
By Cynthia (Cindy) Chmielewski aka MyelomaTeacher Living with cancer, especially a blood cancer that affects your immune system, in the era of COVID-19 is very challenging. I am constantly weighing the risks and benefits of all my actions. I made the choice to go into self-isolation the first week of March. At that time very little […]

A grilled cheese sandwich…
Posted May 5th, 2020
Alex Rodriguez, MD
What is it about a crisis that tears us down. Is it doubt, fear, disappointment, anxiety, stress or is it that we are born with an innate need to respond to our environment to protect, to serve, and to survive and we worry that we are not good enough for the task? As this Covid-19 […]

Staying Active During The Coronavirus
Posted March 24th, 2020
OncoLink Team
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. As more and more people are infected in the United States, you may feel that your life is being turned upside down. In order to help reduce the spread of infection, it is recommended that you keep your social distance, […]

Coping with COVID19: Tips from the OncoLink Team
Posted March 20th, 2020
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
We are all learning how to live differently. Many of us are learning to socially distance ourselves from each other, homeschool our children and work remotely. Others continue to work on the front lines, caring for patients, restocking grocery shelves and delivering the mail. And there are also many who are facing losing their income, […]