Remembering With Gratitude
Posted January 7th, 2021
Caring Connections Team
“At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” – Albert Schweitzer For those who spend time in a cancer treatment center, we encounter each other in a variety of […]

What Mismatched Socks Taught Us About Living With Cancer
Posted November 17th, 2017
Marlys Johnson
My husband, Gary, and I were back in Hospice House after breaking out for two weeks. Love found us there, because there is no hiding from love. Visitors, food, chai tea in cheery red cups, overflowing gift baskets. And these groovy mismatched socks with the manufacturer’s tag that read: “Life’s too short to wear matching socks.” […]

The Importance Of Caring In The Doctor’s Office
Posted September 25th, 2017
Bob Riter
Cancer treatment involves operating rooms, chemotherapy protocols, and high tech radiation therapy equipment, all of which extend and improve the lives of people with cancer. But when I talk with people being treated for cancer, they don’t comment on the equipment or the science involved in their care. Rather, they focus on the quality of […]

Rethinking Gratitude
Posted February 10th, 2017
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
When I was working on the inpatient unit and in the oncology clinic, I was struck by many things. The range of emotions experienced was quite incredible—everything from hope and optimism, to pain and suffering. One thing that always struck me was that often, no matter how difficult the situation, was the need for patients […]

3 Great Reasons To Have Gratitude On Your Cancer Team
Posted July 25th, 2016
Marlys Johnson
When cancer showed up (on top of financial setbacks), I’m sorry to say I did my share of whining. For the most part it wasn’t out loud, but there was a definite lack of gratitude in my heart for much of anything. There are some concepts, though, that we all sort of know. And one […]

Prescription for Depression – Whether Cancer Patient or Caregiver
Posted May 23rd, 2016
Marlys Johnson
It hung around way too late in the day before I recognized this no-energy-no-interest-in-anything blahness. That’s when I got out my script pad and wrote a prescription for mild depression: Go take a hike. Near a body of water. Part of the cure requires that the patient stop somewhere along the path to contemplate all there is […]

Today I’m thankful for…Health Insurance
Posted November 25th, 2014
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
Before the Affordable Care Act, it was estimated that somewhere between 46 and 50 million people in the United States were without health insurance. Through various means, the ACA hopes to give access to health insurance to 30 million of those individuals by 2020.