Resource Round-Up: Let’s Win Pancreatic Cancer
Posted May 23rd, 2023
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
A diagnosis of pancreatic cancer can be devastating. Patients and caregivers can find it difficult to know where to find the best treatment and what that treatment should look like. This was the experience of Anne Glauber and her family in 2014. They did not know where to turn for information and care but knew […]
Steve Jobs is Dead. Long Live Steve Jobs!
Posted October 7th, 2011
Rodney Warner, JD
The co-founder of Apple Computers was a remarkable guy. A technological and marketing genius who reached professional and financial success the likes of which few human beings have experienced. Mr. Jobs is another famous man whose life was cut short due to cancer (of the pancreas). I watched CNN this morning, and Mr. Jobs was […]