Complementary Therapies to Reduce Side Effects of Radiation
Posted February 21st, 2017
The 4Wholeness Team
Radiation and chemotherapy patients often experience side effects with treatment. These might include radiation skin reaction, chemo induced neuropathy or nausea and vomiting. We invite you to listen as Dr Brian Lawenda, Radiation Oncologist, shares how he uses various complementary medicine therapies such as acupuncture, meditation, botanicals and lifestyle counseling to address some of the […]

Managing the Side Effects of Hormonal Therapies for Breast Cancer [Webinar]
Posted October 17th, 2013
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
December 5, 2013, 6:30PM ET. Understanding the possible side effects of hormonal therapy and how to manage them effectively will help you minimize discomfort and lessen the impact on your day-to-day life.
Thriving after Head and Neck Cancer: Role of Rehabilitation on Quality of Life
Posted March 13th, 2013
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
Webchat with Mously LeBlanc, MD – Physical Side Effects of Head & Neck Cancer.
Will You Be My Number Two?
Posted April 7th, 2012
Rodney Warner, JD
Like the best selling children’s book states, everybody poops. It’s really an amazing process, if you think about it. You can ingest just about any food (and many non-foods, I suppose), your body will take out of it what’s needed, and get rid of the rest.
Be a Cancer Myth Buster
Posted September 20th, 2009
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
One of the saddest days I ever experienced working in the cancer center was when a woman, newly diagnosed with breast cancer, broke down in tears and told me that she had caused her breast cancer. She further clarified that her sisters and mother had told her that you get cancer as a punishment for […]