Coping with COVID: New Stimulus Funds and Unemployment Benefit Update

Posted January 5th, 2021

By now, some of you may have received $600 stimulus payments as a result of the economic relief package recently passed by our government. Let’s take a closer look at the impact of this bill on individuals and families. Stimulus Payments If you have an adjusted gross income on your 2019 tax returns of less […]

Co-Existing with COVID-19: Should I go back to work? Do I have to?

Posted June 19th, 2020

We have had a lot of comments about our unemployment benefits and COVID-19 blog. Now, as the country is trying to re-open and learn to live with COVID, cancer survivors and patients are asking, should I go back to work? Do I have to go back to work? Can I still collect unemployment if I […]

Coping with COVID-19 and Cancer: Changes to Unemployment Guidelines and Impacts on Health Insurance

Posted April 9th, 2020

Many folks, including cancer survivors, have suddenly found themselves out of work as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the Federal government passed the CARES act in late March to expand eligibility, payments, and length of time for unemployment claims. This bill created the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program (PUA). Another result of […]

Rodney Warner

Unemployment Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

Posted June 1st, 2016

There are any number of factors that can impact whether a cancer diagnosis will be fatal. Which cancer is involved, its stage, your age, other medical conditions you may have and overall health are just some of the many variables. A recent study shows a new issue to think about: if you recently lost a […]