Several cancer service organizations have limited funding available to provide emergency financial assistance for individuals with cancer affected by the COVID-19 crisis.
Funds are limited. If you are eligible and need emergency funding for things like groceries, transportation to chemotherapy (so you can avoid public transportation), child-care and other expenses that help you to stay safe at home, apply today.
As of this posting, these funds are currently available.
Healthwell Foundation COVID-19 Ancillary Costs Fund
What is available?
- $250 one time grant
How do I apply?
- Must apply by phone 800-675-8416
Who is eligible?
- You or a member of your household have a positive diagnosis for COVID-19 or,
- You or a member of your household are part of a high-risk group (cancer patients, immunocompromised, older adults) or,
- You reside in a geographic area in the US or US territories where COVID-19 is prevalent or,
- You or a member of your family have been told by a physician to self-quarantine due to potential exposure to COVID-19 AND
- You qualify based on income: household income limit is 500% of the federal poverty limit ($63,800 for an individual; $86,200 for family of 2; $131,000 for family of four).
What can I use the money for?
- Food delivery costs.
- Medication delivery costs.
- COVID-19 testing/diagnostics.
- Telehealth costs.
- Transportation costs.
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society COVID-19 Patient Financial Aid Program
What is available?
- $250 to eligible blood cancer patients experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
How do I apply?
- By phone 877-557-2672 or online https://unpportal.lls.org
Who is eligible?
- Individuals must be US citizen or permanent residents.
- Must reside in the US or US territories.
- Must have a confirmed diagnosis of blood cancer
- Must be in active treatment, scheduled to begin treatment or in follow-up care as confirmed by a member of your health care team or the patient.
- You do not need to have a COVID-19 diagnosis.
What can I use the money for?
- Non-medical expenses including rent, mortgage, utilities and food.
Cancer Care Financial Assistance for COVID-19
What is available?
- Financial assistance to help with expenses for cancer patients.
How do I apply?
- Apply by phone 800-813-4673.
Who is eligible?
- All cancer patients in active treatment.
What can I use the money for?
- Food, medications, general household expenses, transportation, homecare and childcare.
Lungevity Breathe Easier Fund
What is available?
- $500 for patients in active treatment or actively pursuing treatment for lung cancer.
Who is eligible?
- US residents receiving care for lung cancer in the US.
- Income eligibility-household income limit of 300% of the federal poverty limit ($38,280/individual; $51,720/family of 2; $78,600/family of four).
How do I apply?
- Apply by phone 844-360-5864.
What can I use the money for?
- Food, transportation, and other general household bills.
If you need help, many oncology social workers are still providing services via telemedicine and can be available to assist with applications.
Know of other available funds for cancer patients? Email us [email protected] and we will add more information to our blogs!
Christina is a clinical oncology social worker who joined the OncoLink team in 2014. Christina blogs about resources available to the cancer community, as well as general information about coping with cancer practically, emotionally, and spiritually. Christina is also an instructor at the Penn School of Social Policy and Practice. In her spare time, she loves to knit and volunteer with her therapy dogs, Linus and Huckleberry. She also loves to travel, cook and is an avid Philly sports fan.
I need help
Mary Jean
We are sorry you are struggling right now. We are not a direct service organization, but if could let me know what you need help with I can get you some resources.–Christina
Boost vhc drinks for my husband going through cancer of the oropharynx
Thank you for helping us spread the word about our COVID-19 Ancillary Costs Fund and for sharing these valuable resources. If you could update the HealthWell Foundation’s hotline number to 800-675-8416, we would be most appreciative. Thank you again.
So strange! I updated on Friday but it didn’t save! Thanks for alerting me and it should be updated now! AND THANK YOU for all you are doing for patients!
Christina and the OncoLink Team
Thanks for posting these Christina, they are very helpful in referring patients. I just referred a patient a few minutes ago to Health Well. Appreciate you and the Onco Link Team! Chelsea
I need help. For food and other basic care during Covid19.. This isolation is horrible.. I am immunocompromised. I have serious heart issues as well.
I’m so sorry are going through this. Sadly, many of the funds that were available at the beginning of the Pandemic last year have now been exhausted. There may be more help available locally—I encourage you to talk with a social worker at your cancer treatment center for local resources. You can also always call 211 for local resources.