Tables Turned
Posted June 23rd, 2020
James M. Metz, MD
As the Chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Penn, I have never felt prouder of our incredibly devoted staff and faculty. They have stepped up as a group from the very beginning of this global COVID crisis and forged new paths. Our collective expertise and comfort working as a team to deliver the […]
Happy Birthday OncoLink!
Posted March 7th, 2012
James M. Metz, MD
OncoLink turns 18 years old this month!!! It is truly amazing to think how the Internet has changed the world since it was opened to the public in January of 1994. A visionary team launched OncoLink in March of 1994 and we have never looked back. The site stays true to its mission to empower patients, families, and healthcare providers with the most reliable cancer information on the Internet.
Does anyone really think people should not have access to healthcare when they need it?
Posted May 19th, 2011
James M. Metz, MD
This whole healthcare debate in the United States is completely off base. Does anyone really think people should not have access to healthcare when they need it? Do people really believe others should be left in the dust if they truly do not have enough money to pay for all their medical care? It is […]
Do People Really Understand HPV?
Posted April 4th, 2011
James M. Metz, MD
So, I was thinking… I don’t think the average individual really understands the risks associated with HPV (human papilloma virus). Many know that HPV is the cause of most cases of cervical cancer. In fact, vaccination is recommended for young females to prevent infection with the types of HPV that most often cause cervical cancer. […]
Pharmacy or Tobacco Shop – You be the Judge!
Posted March 1st, 2011
James M. Metz, MD
So I was thinking… It is time to start a blog. The rest of the world is doing it, so why not me? I have a great staff here at OncoLink that has been encouraging me to do this for quite a while. They know I have strong feelings on a lot of issues surrounding […]
Welcome – A Note from Our Editor in Chief
Posted September 18th, 2009
James M. Metz, MD
Welcome to the OncoLink Blog. This blog gives our readers a chance to react to and comment on key cancer news topics and provides a forum for OncoLink Experts and readers to share opinions and learn from each other. Our goal for this blog is to continue the conversation we have been having with our […]