The Mediterranean Diet
Posted October 30th, 2020
The Tracey Birnhak Nutritional Counseling Program
The Mediterranean diet is a predominately plant based diet that accents omega 3 rich fish sources and whole foods that are minimally processed. Olives and avocado contribute to the rich source of monounsaturated fats that prevent inflammation, the pathway that leads to many chronic diseases including cancer. Did you know that the origins of the Mediterranean […]

Easy Meals at Home
Posted October 23rd, 2020
The Tracey Birnhak Nutritional Counseling Program
Our theme this week is delicious, easy to make, at home meals. These recipes minimize your cook time and maximize your food enjoyment. Balsamic Chicken with Roasted Vegetables Ingredients 8 4 oz each boneless skinless chicken thighs, trimmed of fat 1 teaspoon kosher salt fresh black pepper, to taste cooking spray 10 medium asparagus, ends […]

Zucchini everywhere
Posted October 9th, 2020
The Tracey Birnhak Nutritional Counseling Program
Zucchini is rich in the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as magnesium and vitamin K, making them important for bone health. Zucchini can be consumed raw or cooked. Raw zucchini is wonderful for dipping with hummus, salsa or fat free dips. Grilled and roasted zucchini is a wonderful side dish when well-seasoned with garlic, […]

Kid Friendly Meals
Posted October 2nd, 2020
The Tracey Birnhak Nutritional Counseling Program
A good recipe to introduce some ethnic meals into your family is bibimpap. If you are not familiar with bibimpap, pronounced “ bee bum bap,” it is warmed rice served with sautéed vegetables, Korean spicy chili paste (can leave out) and protein of your choice. Each culture has their own version of one-pot meals such […]

How to Strengthen Your Immune System: Part 2
Posted September 18th, 2020
The Tracey Birnhak Nutritional Counseling Program
Yesterday, we learned how certain foods and changes to our diet can help boost our immune system, which is especially important during this pandemic. While the immune system generally does a great job of protecting the body from germs through its own processes and systems in place, we can work towards strengthening overall health, and […]

How to Strengthen Your Immune System: Part 1
Posted September 17th, 2020
The Tracey Birnhak Nutritional Counseling Program
In the midst of a pandemic and with flu season on its way, many are asking – how can I support and strengthen my immune system? While the immune system generally does a great job of protecting the body from germs through its own processes and systems in place, we can work towards strengthening overall […]

Vegetarian Recipes
Posted September 4th, 2020
The Tracey Birnhak Nutritional Counseling Program
Looking for ways to add more greens to your diet? Here are a few recipes to help you do just that. Garlicky Spinach Ingredients: 2 packages frozen spinach 4-6 cloves crushed garlic 2 Tbsp olive or avocado oil Salt and pepper to taste Directions: Microwave frozen spinach 5-7 minutes. Squeeze out liquid. Meanwhile, heat oil. […]

A recipe for hydration!
Posted August 7th, 2020
The Tracey Birnhak Nutritional Counseling Program
Staying hydrated on hot days can be a challenge. Many fruits and vegetables contain potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium which helps us stay hydrated and support our exercise goals without adding extra calories. This watermelon feta salad is packed with flavor and everything you need to beat the heat… Watermelon, Feta, and Mint Salad Greens […]

Beating the Heat with Beets
Posted July 31st, 2020
The Tracey Birnhak Nutritional Counseling Program
Staying active and hydrated in hot weather can be challenging. Beets are one of those super foods that are packed full of nutrients. They are a good source fiber, folate, manganese and potassium. Beets and beet greens contain a powerhouse of bioactive antioxidants, specifically betaine, attributing to the deep purple color of beets and lutein, […]

Five Tips for a Healthy New Year
Posted January 2nd, 2019
OncoLink Team
In today’s blog, Robin Danowski, MS, RD, LDN, a Registered Dietician, provides tips for kicking off a healthy new year.