Embracing Lung Cancer Survivorship
Posted August 3rd, 2021
OncoLink Team
August 1st is World Lung Cancer Day (#WLCD2021) – a day to raise awareness about lung cancer risk, screening, treatment, and survivorship. As lung cancer screening is helping detect cancers earlier, there are more people thriving after lung cancer. In addition, the advances in treatment have helped some people live with lung cancer for longer. […]

Understanding Cancer Risk Part 6: Cancer Screening Tests
Posted February 8th, 2019
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
The New Year is a great time to make healthy changes – start the year off with a new attitude, pledge to get more activity, eat better or do something to better yourself. Since we spend all day talking about cancer, we decided to kick off the new year with the goal of helping you […]

Lung Cancer Screening 101
Posted November 15th, 2016
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. We have learned a lot about how to prevent lung cancer-don’t smoke, and if you do smoke, quit. However, the disease is often not diagnosed until it is advanced or has spread to other parts of the body. Screening for lung cancer can help us to identify cases earlier […]

Webucation: Lung Cancer Screening
Posted February 26th, 2015
OncoLink Team
In honor of cancer prevention month, we are featuring a new cancer prevention “short” each week. This short video will focus on topics related to lung cancer screening.