Open Enrollment for 2022 Affordable Care Act Plans is Here!
Posted November 1st, 2021
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
What is open enrollment? This is the time each year when you can make changes to your health insurance coverage-usually through the Healthcare Marketplace (healthcare.gov). When can I enroll or make changes to my plan? Open enrollment for ACA (“Obamacare”) insurance plans for the 202 coverage year runs from November 1st– January 15th for states […]

Coping with COVID-19: I’ve Lost My Health Insurance, Now What?
Posted June 4th, 2020
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, some 40 million Americans have lost their jobs. With the loss of jobs, comes the loss of health insurance. For cancer patients, maintaining your health insurance is essential. The good news is, you probably have some options to keep your coverage or get new coverage. Keeping Your Coverage […]

Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment: What You Need To Know For 2019
Posted November 1st, 2018
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
What is open enrollment? This is the time each year when you can make changes to your health insurance coverage-usually through the Healthcare Marketplace (healthcare.gov). When can I enroll or make changes to my plan? Open enrollment for ACA (“Obamacare”) insurance plans for the 2019 coverage year runs from November 1st– December 15thin most states. […]

Open Enrollment—Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers
Posted November 14th, 2017
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
Open enrollment season is upon us! For each of the next four Tuesdays (November 14, 21, 28 and December 5th), I’ll be summarizing the material from our #getcovered tweet chat and highlighting important facts about open enrollment. Be sure to check the blogs weekly for great tips and tricks to help you navigate the complicated […]

Open Enrollment Tweet Chat
Posted October 30th, 2017
OncoLink Team
Join us for a Tweet chat about open enrollment and insurance concerns! Do you have questions about your insurance options during open enrollment? Do you already have coverage through Medicare or the ACA (Obamacare Marketplace), but want to be sure you have the coverage you need? Are you confused about the recent changes to the […]

Breaking news: Supreme Court votes to uphold Affordable Care Act Subsidies
Posted June 26th, 2015
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
On June 25, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled (6-3) to uphold health care subsidies included in the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Today I’m thankful for…Health Insurance
Posted November 25th, 2014
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
Before the Affordable Care Act, it was estimated that somewhere between 46 and 50 million people in the United States were without health insurance. Through various means, the ACA hopes to give access to health insurance to 30 million of those individuals by 2020.

OncoLink’s Annual Insurance Education Session [Webinar]
Posted October 3rd, 2014
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
Join us for one or all three insurance education sessions. Live webinar and recorded for playback later.

Some useful things to know about the Health Insurance Marketplace
Posted March 31st, 2014
Jonathan Colon
Some useful things to know about the Health Insurance Marketplace.
The Grass is Greener on Our Side of the Fence
Posted November 11th, 2013
Rodney Warner, JD
We Americans can get very wrapped up in our own problems. The issues with Obamacare, the federal government shut down and, imagine, hazing and bullying in an NFL locker room!