Social Work Stories: Shirley
Posted March 29th, 2019
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
March is Social Work Month. This year’s theme is, “Elevate Social Work.” In honor of Social Work month and in our attempt to elevate our practice, OncoLink is featuring social workers and their own voices. Today we hear from Shirley, one of my (Christina’s) mentors and a force in the field of palliative social work. This […]

Social Work Stories: Karen
Posted March 28th, 2019
OncoLink Team
March is Social Work Month. This year’s theme is, “Elevate Social Work.” In honor of Social Work month and in our attempt to elevate our practice, OncoLink is featuring social workers and their own voices. This entry is from Karen, a social work administrator. I was asked to comment on how my social work background […]

Social Work Stories: Richard
Posted March 27th, 2019
OncoLink Team
March is Social Work Month. This year’s theme is, “Elevate Social Work.” In honor of Social Work month and in our attempt to elevate our practice, OncoLink is featuring social workers and their own voices. This entry is from Richard “Rick” Dickens, an oncology social worker. “How do you do what you do?” As a […]

Social Work Stories: Amy
Posted March 26th, 2019
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
March is Social Work Month. This year’s theme is, “Elevate Social Work.” In honor of Social Work month and in our attempt to elevate our practice, OncoLink is featuring social workers and their own voices. This entry is from Amy Hoch, an oncology financial navigator/social worker. Social work runs in my family. I was introduced to […]

Social Work Stories: Jean
Posted March 20th, 2019
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
March is Social Work Month. This years theme is, “Elevate Social Work.” In honor of Social Work month and in our attempt to elevate our practice, OncoLink is featuring social workers and their own voices. This entry is from Jean Rowe, an oncology social worker. My father died of metastatic lung cancer in the early […]

Social Work Stories: Catherine
Posted March 19th, 2019
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
March is Social Work Month, This years theme is, “Elevate Social Work.” In honor of Social Work month and in our attempt to elevate our practice, OncoLink is featuring social workers and their own voices. This entry is from Catherine Credeur, an oncology social worker. Happy Social Work Month! I have been a social worker […]