Exercise During Cancer Treatment
Posted July 3rd, 2018
OncoLink Team
This webinar provides an overview of the role of exercise and physical activity during cancer treatment. Joann Fegley, MBA, MS, C-PT is an exercise physiologist specializing in cancer fitness personal training. She is the owner of JoFly’s Fitness and a specialized fitness instructor for Penn Integrative Medicine at the Abramson Cancer Center.

OncoLink Poll: Give us your best tip!
Posted December 2nd, 2014
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
We are featuring a tip of the day this winter – give us your best tip!

Proton Therapy for Pediatric Cancer [Webinar]
Posted September 23rd, 2014
OncoLink Team
This live webinar on Proton Therapy for Pediatric Cancer will be held online September 25, 2014 at 12 noon ET. An archived version will be available after the event.
A Life Well Lived
Posted February 7th, 2014
Rodney Warner, JD
Dr. Tutschka left Johns Hopkins and later went to the medical schools at Ohio State University and the University of Connecticut, then to St. Francis Medical Center in Hartford when I saw him.

Does a walk a day help to keep cancer symptoms away? The role of exercise after cancer. [Webinar]
Posted October 28th, 2013
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
November 6, 2013 at 12:00 EDT. Justin Brown will discuss the role of exercise and cancer symptoms, recurrence, fatigue, sleep and anxiety.

OncoLink Poll: Did you take a vacation while on cancer treatment?
Posted June 24th, 2013
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
OncoLink vacation poll
Thriving after Head and Neck Cancer: Role of Rehabilitation on Quality of Life
Posted March 13th, 2013
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
Webchat with Mously LeBlanc, MD – Physical Side Effects of Head & Neck Cancer.
The Impact of Vitamins & Supplements During and After Breast Cancer Treatment
Posted March 7th, 2013
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
LIVE from LBBC’s March community meeting, learn how vitamins and supplements affect your breast cancer treatment plan and follow-up care.
Take One Day at a Time
Posted February 14th, 2010
Rodney Warner, JD
Cancer robs us of our most valuable illusion, the future. There’s so much we put up with, salving our wounds with the thought that things will get better in the future. That jerk of a neighbor will move. You’ll get a promotion, or a better job elsewhere, if you just keep plugging away. Your kid […]
Be a Cancer Myth Buster
Posted September 20th, 2009
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
One of the saddest days I ever experienced working in the cancer center was when a woman, newly diagnosed with breast cancer, broke down in tears and told me that she had caused her breast cancer. She further clarified that her sisters and mother had told her that you get cancer as a punishment for […]