We begin each week with a mindfulness thought, focus, meditation….something to help us we each begin the week. Every one reading, who is part of this online community, is in some way impacted by cancer. The stress of that influences how we cope. Each of us is also living in a time when our larger community is struggling with the ongoing stresses of the COVID- 19 pandemic. It is a lot to deal with.

What is Mindfulness?
- It’s deepening awareness
- Paying attention…..with curiosity
- Being more compassionate
- Being – not doing
- Being Present….without judgment
- Letting Go
How do I do this?
Take time during the day to focus on:
- Body – Check in with your body, pay attention to where stress is residing, how your body is feeling, what is your body holding.
- Breath – breathe deeply and fully, releasing tension, Breathe in and out slowly in a rhythmical pattern.
- Now – relax into the present moment
When do I use mindfulness?
Mindfulness is most helpful when we intentionally practice it every day…and then also use it as needed. The reason it is helpful to have daily mediation sessions is that our bodies and mind learn how to respond to reduce stress. It enhances well-being.
Given all the above, we decided today to give you two prescriptions! After all, this is a medical center….so here are your prescriptions. Give them your attentiveness and follow as directed, by you!
Prescription: Meditation Session – Take twice a day (Select your times and location)
- Every day 10-30 mins.
- Once or twice a day
- Sit on floor-chair-recliner-be comfortable
- Follow guided meditation recording
- Make it a routine – like brushing teeth
- Start and end your day
Prescription: Mindfulness Pause – Take as Needed (Anytime-anywhere- when tense, distracted, upset: Dr’s waiting rooms, traffic jams, office, etc.)
- Take 3 deep releasing breaths
- Check-in with your body – relax – let go of tension
- Check-in with your feelings- sad? angry? afraid? anxious?
- Check-in with your thinking – what’s on your mind?
- Breathe deeply –release- let go
- Staying present right here- right now with kindness, acceptance and ease
You can learn more about mindfulness in our “Demystifying Mindfulness Blog Series” and find Mindfulness Apps here.
Now take on your day. Take on this week. Take on your life. You and we are worth the energy and time to care for our precious selves.
Lucretia Hurley-Browning, MDiv, MS, is a guest writer whose recent background includes Chaplain of Abramson Cancer Center at Pennsylvania Hospital and the Director of Juniper Tree Counseling Center. She is a therapist and ordained United Methodist Minister. Currently, she is a writer by day, a reader by night, and is passionate about living life meaningfully with a good dose of fun.