November is National Family Caregivers Month
Posted November 24th, 2020
Caring Connections Team
November is also the time across our nation for us to honor our family caregivers as well as to recognize the challenges that family caregivers face and how they manage these challenges day and night as they offer care around the clock! There is just so much that our family caregivers do! For many of you, caregiving can truly […]

Tables Turned
Posted June 23rd, 2020
James M. Metz, MD
As the Chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Penn, I have never felt prouder of our incredibly devoted staff and faculty. They have stepped up as a group from the very beginning of this global COVID crisis and forged new paths. Our collective expertise and comfort working as a team to deliver the […]

Caregiver Safety
Posted August 8th, 2019
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
Taking care of another person who is faced with a medical crisis can be simultaneously rewarding and challenging. With newer treatments, people are living longer while having medical and physical needs that require extra attention and TLC. Caregivers do incredible, demanding work day-after-day. Caregivers must be aware of caring for themselves to be able to […]

Why rest? A few thoughts for the road-weary cancer caregiver
Posted April 1st, 2019
Marlys Johnson
There was a dark, pre-dawn morning when I hurried my husband, Gary, to the hospital emergency room. Because when you’re on chemo and you have tubes sticking out of your body, then flu-like symptoms can shout of serious infection. I brought Gary home after five hours of antibiotic infusion, prepared something for him to eat, […]

Exercise for the Caregiver
Posted July 5th, 2018
OncoLink Team
This webinar provides an overview of the important of exercise and physical activity for caregivers of cancer patients. Joann Fegley, MBA, MS, C-PT is an exercise physiologist specializing in cancer fitness personal training. She is the owner of JoFly’s Fitness and a specialized fitness instructor for Penn Integrative Medicine at the Abramson Cancer Center.

Season Changes: What Season Are You In?
Posted October 19th, 2016
Marlys Johnson
This is the beginning of my favorite time of year, this golden-aspen-football-pumpkin season that extends to turkey-more football-pie-gratitude season—(although gratitude season should be year-round)—followed by the Christmas-music-lights-knitting-scarves-gift-giving season. Photo credit: Unsplash It’s also the season of the long slow sweet good-bye as I walked beside Hubby. Just two years ago. (Why does it seem like last month?) The Byrds […]

National Cancer Survivors Day Wrap Up
Posted June 23rd, 2016
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
National Cancer Survivors Day is officially the first Sunday in June each year. Many cancer centers and cancer care organizations plan activities, events and recognitions throughout the month of June. Team OncoLink was honored to coordinate activities at Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center (ACC) to celebrate and recognize cancer survivors. It was great to reach […]

Preparing for Proton Therapy- A Practical Guide for Patients and Caregivers
Posted March 24th, 2016
OncoLink Team
This webinar, presented by Katie McFadien, MSW, LSW, focuses on the practical concerns of proton therapy for both patients and caregivers.

Being a Caregiver
Posted November 2nd, 2015
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
November is National Family Caregiver Month. It’s hard to follow all the pinkness of October, but I hope the millions of people caring for loved ones get a little bit of the limelight this month. Think the NFL will wear caregiver awareness ribbons this month? You see, caregiving is a thankless job. You’re usually damned […]

Cancer Caregivers Need a Break
Posted August 28th, 2014
Bob Riter
As we get ready for a long weekend, Bob offers some encouragement for cancer caregivers to remember to care for themselves.