Fear: The Unwanted Passenger
Posted June 18th, 2019
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
Author’s note: I wrote this piece a few years back but, of course, it still speaks to me. Probably always will. You might feel the same. I visited my dermatologist the other day. “Fifteen years!” she said. So long ago, yet sometimes so close. The thing is, once you have had a diagnosis of cancer […]

Celebrating National Cancer Survivors Day
Posted June 2nd, 2019
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
Every year, on the first Sunday in June, we recognize National Cancer Survivors Day (NCSD). It’s a day to celebrate the strength and resilience of survivors and caregivers and to provide inspiration to those facing a new diagnosis. It is a reminder that life after cancer can be fulfilling, rewarding and inspiring. A few years ago […]

11 Things to Know About Being a Cancer Survivor
Posted May 1st, 2018
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
Here at OncoLink, we are celebrating the 11th birthday of our survivorship care plan tool called OncoLife. Survivorship care plans and survivorship care can help people with cancer – and their caregivers – with many challenges. There are over 17 million cancer survivors in the US alone and they face a range of post treatment […]

Just Go For The Ride!!!!
Posted April 11th, 2018
OncoLink Team
Recently I was in a work meeting and the statement was made to “go for the ride” during this busy time of growth and innovation. This really resonated with me personally, and I was inspired to reflect on this. As an ovarian cancer survivor, what does this mean to me? I remember every second of […]

What’s on your brave-making list?
Posted November 8th, 2016
Marlys Johnson
At the encouragement of a friend, I presented at this week’s IGNITE Bend event held at the historic Tower Theater. IGNITE events are produced in places like Helsinki, Paris and New York City. Presenters get 5 minutes and 20 slides, which automatically advance every 15 seconds. The tagline is: “Enlighten us, but make it quick.” And so I applied to […]

I’d Want You On My Team
Posted October 28th, 2016
Marlys Johnson
Snaking through the security line at Los Angeles International, I noticed an abandoned backpack. I watched it for a few moments as the line continued to move. “Is this anyone’s backpack?” No response, so I slipped under the barricade to report it. About the time I got back in line, a woman claimed it. She had left it on […]

Season Changes: What Season Are You In?
Posted October 19th, 2016
Marlys Johnson
This is the beginning of my favorite time of year, this golden-aspen-football-pumpkin season that extends to turkey-more football-pie-gratitude season—(although gratitude season should be year-round)—followed by the Christmas-music-lights-knitting-scarves-gift-giving season. Photo credit: Unsplash It’s also the season of the long slow sweet good-bye as I walked beside Hubby. Just two years ago. (Why does it seem like last month?) The Byrds […]

Cancer Survivorship: Navigating Life After Cancer [Webinar]
Posted May 28th, 2014
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
This webinar will provide information, tips and resources on transitioning from patient to survivor and making the most of life after cancer.

Postcancer Relationships
Posted October 22nd, 2013
Bob Riter
It can be a challenge to begin a new relationship after having had cancer. We usually think about this from the perspective of the person with cancer. What about postcancer relationships?
Adjusting to the New Normal
Posted June 19th, 2013
Bob Riter
“The new normal” is a phrase used to describe how life changes for some people who have been through cancer.