Addressing Cancer Pain with Complementary Methods (Part 2)
Posted April 10th, 2023
OncoLink Team
This blog provides some information on pain relief methods you can try at home in concert with your medications and other methods you may use to treat your pain. Remember to talk with your provider about any integrative or complementary therapies you are using during your cancer treatment. This blog provides some information on pain […]

What is Mindfulness?
Posted August 18th, 2021
Caring Connections Team
We begin each week with a mindfulness thought, focus, meditation….something to help us we each begin the week. Every one reading, who is part of this online community, is in some way impacted by cancer. The stress of that influences how we cope. Each of us is also living in a time when our larger […]

What’s Your Mantra?
Posted July 28th, 2021
Caring Connections Team
A mantra is an instrument of the mind—a powerful sound or vibration that you can use to enter a deep state of meditation. In mantra meditation, you repeat a particular sound or short phrase. The mantra can then be used as a tool when you are not meditating. You can repeat your chosen mantra in […]

Breathing for Stress Reduction
Posted March 10th, 2021
Caring Connections Team
“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way:on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.”– Jon Kabat-Zinn Each of us averages 20,000 breaths per day. Yet only a tiny percentage of those breaths are conscious, in the sense that we are not aware of each individual breath. Breathing is involuntary until we place our attention […]

“Don’t Let Perfect be the Enemy of Good:” Perfecting Mindfulness
Posted October 19th, 2018
OncoLink Team
This blog is the tenth part in the series “Demystifying Mindfulness.” I’m hoping I can help us all understand a little bit more about the practice of mindfulness, how it can be helpful and how we can integrate it into our lives. This week we welcome guest blogger, Fern Nibauer-Cohen. I have been practicing yoga […]

Demystifying Mindfulness: Color Your World Mindful!
Posted September 14th, 2018
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
This blog is the ninth part in the series “Demystifying Mindfulness.” I’m hoping I can help us all understand a little bit more about the practice of mindfulness, how it can be helpful and how we can integrate it into our lives. Adult coloring is all the rage. There are over 20,000 results just on […]

Demystifying Mindfulness: I Bet Your Are Being Mindful And You Didn’t Even Know It
Posted August 31st, 2018
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
This blog is the eigth part in the series “Demystifying Mindfulness.” I’m hoping I can help us all understand a little bit more about the practice of mindfulness, how it can be helpful and how we can integrate it into our lives. Over the past two months, I’ve taken a deeper dive into the world […]

Demystifying Mindfulness: When Meditation Isn’t For You, How About Planned Laziness?
Posted August 24th, 2018
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
This blog is the eigth part in the series “Demystifying Mindfulness.” I’m hoping I can help us all understand a little bit more about the practice of mindfulness, how it can be helpful and how we can integrate it into our lives. I’ve been meditating for about 7 weeks now. I’m not doing it every […]

Demystifying Mindfulness: Mindful Grieving
Posted August 17th, 2018
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
This blog is the seventh part in the series “Demystifying Mindfulness.” I’m hoping I can help us all understand a little bit more about the practice of mindfulness, how it can be helpful and how we can integrate it into our lives. Grief is our response to loss. Contrary to popular culture beliefs, a loss […]

Demystifying Mindfulness: Mindful Vacationing-Not An Easy Task
Posted August 13th, 2018
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
This blog is the sixth part in the series “Demystifying Mindfulness.” I’m hoping I can help us all understand a little bit more about the practice of mindfulness, how it can be helpful and how we can integrate it into our lives. I just returned from a week long trip to Michigan. I visited my […]