Wishes for a New Year!
Posted December 31st, 2021
Caring Connections Team
My oh my, we are on the cusp of a new year! That can bring so many feelings for patients, families, staff. Some are relieved the last year is over, some are anxious about the new year, and still, others are eager for a new year of life. It can be a time of ‘resolutions’ […]

Holiday Coping and Enjoying
Posted December 17th, 2021
Caring Connections Team
For cancer patients and families who are in current treatment, holidays can be a bit tricky. We may not have the energy for large gatherings. Our appetites and treatment sensitivities may suggest a small and VERY downsized day…even a day that is very private. People can get really stressed out around the holidays. We can […]

Re-Thinking Community
Posted December 10th, 2021
Caring Connections Team
“When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with one another – and ourselves.”– Jack Kornfield December offers great opportunities for learning about how our intercultural world celebrates. Among celebrations during this month are: Hanukkah (Jewish) Christmas Day (Christian) Boxing Day (Australian, Canadian, English, Irish) Kwanzaa (African American) […]

Tips from Your Cancer Care Team – Coping with Treatment During the Holidays
Posted December 8th, 2021
Courtney Misher, MPH, BSRT(T)
The holiday season can be stressful, overwhelming, and exhausting. This is often even more true if you are undergoing or recovering from cancer treatment. It’s important to still enjoy the holiday season, but without pushing yourself too hard. So, here’s a list of tips that will hopefully allow you to navigate your cancer treatments during […]

Cancer and the Holidays
Posted December 3rd, 2021
Caring Connections Team
For people who are living with cancer and experiencing an often emotional roller coaster, the holidays can bring the blues. These times with friends and family are exactly the ones we want to cherish even more than before cancer, but in reality, they can leave many of us feeling overwhelmed. Families and friends may” be […]

Connecting and Celebrating
Posted December 1st, 2021
Caring Connections Team
December is a month that encompasses the Christian and Jewish celebrations of Christmas and Hanukkah. It also includes spiritually significant days for Muslims, Buddhists, Pagans, and Zoroastrians. The Interfaith Calendar actually lists 14 different spiritual celebrations during the month of December. Kwanza is an important week-long African heritage cultural celebration that also occurs at the end of December. December is […]

Honoring our Labor
Posted September 1st, 2021
Caring Connections Team
It’s hard to believe the traditional end of summer, Labor Day is upon us. It’s a good time to take a moment and honor all that labor—work—means to us and our lives. This includes The works of our ancestors whose labor helped pave the way for each of us. The work of our own hands […]

Gift Giving During a Pandemic
Posted December 3rd, 2020
Karen Arnold-Korzeniowski, BSN, RN
Finding the right gift to give a cancer patient or their loved ones can be challenging…and now let’s add a pandemic to the mix. Not only do you want to be giving the right gift, but it should also be given in a safe manner to ensure there is no spread of the COVID virus. […]

Let OncoLink Help You Through the Holidays
Posted December 2nd, 2019
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
Over the years, our team has done webinars and written blogs and articles covering all kinds of things that come up during the holiday season when you are dealing with a cancer diagnosis. We thought it would be useful to provide a guide of sorts to all these resources. We hope these resources can help […]

Holiday Coping & Enjoying!
Posted December 4th, 2018
OncoLink Team
For many of us, Thanksgiving was a day we spent perhaps a little more simply than usual. For cancer patients and families who are in current treatment, holidays can be a bit tricky. We may not have the energy for large gatherings. Our appetites and treatment sensitivities may suggest a small and VERY downsized day…even […]