The Year of the Nurse & Midwife
Posted January 21st, 2020
Marisa Healy, BSN RN
“Nursing is a progressive art such that to stand still is to go backwards.” -Florence Nightingale The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated 2020 as “The Year of the Nurse and Midwife.” They are doing so in honor of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the most famous nurse—Florence Nightingale! Both professions play such […]

“I hope that someday you will be as great a nurse as Barb”
Posted May 28th, 2019
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
I’m sure that many nurses have those experiences they never forget – I do too. But for me, one of the most memorable events wasn’t really an event but the words of a patient early on in my career. Her words have stuck with me for 25+ years, long after I have forgotten her name […]

Lessons Learned from the Bedside
Posted May 23rd, 2019
Karen Arnold-Korzeniowski, BSN, RN
When I was getting ready to graduate from nursing school I had applied for a few different positions, all on medical/surgical floors. A professor I admired told me if you start your career working on this type of unit, you are setting yourself up to go anywhere in nursing. I got a call to interview […]

Answering the Call of Oncology Nursing
Posted May 21st, 2019
OncoLink Team
It rained that day and snowed that day, and then the sun shone through the window of my parents’ family room, warming my dad’s lifeless face as he lay in a hospital bed finally succumbing to lung cancer. On hospice for less than a week, he had no choice but to face his mortality. During […]

My Journey Through Oncology Nursing
Posted May 16th, 2019
OncoLink Team
When I told people that I was studying nursing, the response that I received made me hold my head up higher. When I was applying to hospitals, I met a nurse manager who “sold” me on oncology. She described a world that was sad, but happy, that will make you cry tears of sorrow and […]

Beyond the Checklist
Posted May 14th, 2019
OncoLink Team
I am standing and waiting for the elevator back up to the third floor, where I work as a medical oncology nurse. I am holding my recently purchased lunch in hand, eagerly awaiting a short break where I can recharge before going back to caring for my patients. As I watch the numbers above the elevator door light up, a toddler in […]

Some Experiences You Will Never Forget
Posted May 10th, 2019
Karen Arnold-Korzeniowski, BSN, RN
One of my last days working on the floor, about 5 minutes before change of shift, an emergency bell sounded. Staff moved quickly towards the room knowing that the staff was respectful of what the bell was signaling: someone really needed help. Upon entering the room and quickly assessing what was going on, everyone went […]

A Silver Lining in a Cancer Diagnosis
Posted May 8th, 2019
OncoLink Team
During my first year as oncology nurse in the Abramson Cancer Center at Penn Medicine, I can recall an experience that has stuck with me over the years. One day, I was triaging patients that had arrived for their scheduled chemotherapy treatments. Despite the distractions and interruptions that the triage nursing role notoriously entails, my […]

Nursing’s Strong Suit
Posted May 6th, 2019
Marisa Healy, BSN RN
I’m sure by now many of you have heard the clip or read about the Washington senator who, speaking about a proposed new law requiring uninterrupted lunch breaks for nurses, mentioned that nurses, “probably play cards for a considerable amount of the day.” As a nurse, obviously I was baffled by this statement…if not a little amused. […]

My Walk with Faith
Posted May 3rd, 2019
OncoLink Team
“I can’t sleep. I feel shaky. Will you walk with me if you have time?” she asked around 2 a.m. “Of course. Let’s take a walk,” I replied. Andrea asked this often when I was working night shift. I’m unsure if she actually felt unsteady in the beginning. She certainly appeared to walk safely on her […]