Foodie Fridays: Watermelon Salad
Posted August 27th, 2021
Caring Connections Team
If there is one fruit the screams summer to me, it’s watermelon. I have fond memories of summer picnics, seed spitting contests and fancy fruit baskets carved out of watermelons. Grab one today at the store (now seedless varieties are available!) and whip up this tasty watermelon salad. This is a very refreshing and great […]

A Summer Poem
Posted August 20th, 2021
OncoLink Team
From Blossoms From blossoms comes this brown paper bag of peaches we bought from the boy at the bend in the road where we turned toward the signs painted Peaches. From laden boughs, from hands, from sweet fellowship in the bins, comes nectar at the roadside, succulent peaches we devour, dusty skin and all, comes […]

Foodie Friday: Couscous Salad
Posted August 13th, 2021
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
I have a love/hate relationship with lettuce. I love it. It hates me. So, I was looking for an alternative for a summer salad, and one day, was just literally throwing stuff into a bowl when I came up with the scrumptious dish that is great for lunch, dinner, or as a side dish. Christina’s […]

Foodie Fridays-Gazpacho: A Favorite Summer Soup
Posted August 6th, 2021
Courtney Misher, MPH, BSRT(T)
Now that we are in the hottest month of the year in Pennsylvania, I have found myself digging through my summer recipes for cold foods. One of my favorite dishes to make in the summer is gazpacho. For those who don’t know about gazpacho, it is a Spanish-style soup, served cold typically made from tomatoes […]

Foodie Fridays: An Ode to Summer Tomatoes
Posted July 2nd, 2021
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
I love the smell of tomatoes in the sun. I used to have a little cherry tomato plant in my front yard as part of my urban garden. I would harvest about 30 baby tomatoes every year. But, I grew them. I tended to them. Watered them. Cut them back when they needed a trim. […]