Travel Safety
Posted August 27th, 2019
Christina Bach, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
Taking a break when being treated for an illness like cancer can be restorative, relaxing, adventurous and fun. It reminds us that life is about more than visits to our healthcare providers, and tests and treatments. Vacations can promote family closeness and give you an escape from the stress of daily life. Finally, taking a […]

Patient Safety Through Education: For the Patient
Posted August 16th, 2019
Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
There was a time when patients were expected to do what the doctor told them without asking many questions – or even understanding their illness. Fortunately, this is not the norm anymore. Healthcare providers have learned that patients who understand their illness and treatment are more likely to stick with their treatments, understand when to […]

Posted August 1st, 2019
Marisa Healy, BSN RN
One of the most common safety issues for cancer patients, both in the hospital and at home, is falls. While receiving treatment, side effects from medications can cause lightheadedness, dizziness, and weakness. Some of these effects, such as peripheral neuropathy (numbness/tingling in your hands/feet), fatigue, and deconditioning, can be a concern long after treatment has […]

Safety and Exercise
Posted July 25th, 2019
OncoLink Team
Research has shown that physical activity may have beneficial effects for patients with cancer and cancer survivors. Physical activity can improve cardiovascular endurance, fatigue, symptoms, mental health, and quality of life. In addition, there has been research suggesting that physical activity may also improve prognosis as well as reduce cancer recurrence or progression. Because of […]

Medication Safety
Posted July 15th, 2019
OncoLink Team
Your doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses and pharmacists work very hard to keep you healthy and safe. But you can also do your part to keep yourself healthy and safe when it comes to managing your medications! Make A List And Check It Twice Keep an up to date list of the medications you […]

Safety and Hospice Care
Posted July 11th, 2019
Karen Arnold-Korzeniowski, BSN, RN
Hospice is a unique service for patients who have chosen to no longer receive treatment to actively treat their disease. This does not mean they are no longer receiving any medical services. Hospice health care providers will help manage side effects affecting you through the use of medications and other modalities. Hospice providers will help […]

Safety Series
Posted July 1st, 2019
Karen Arnold-Korzeniowski, BSN, RN
We all know it is important to act safely to protect ourselves and those around us. There are guidelines and policies in our lives that we follow to ensure this safety. What we may take for granted are the everyday events that, with a little more attention and care, can decrease the potential for harm. […]

Hand Washing Saves Patients’ Lives
Posted January 20th, 2015
Rodney Warner, JD
Medical Professionals Have Known for Over 150 Years Hand Washing Saves Patients’ Lives: Why are Unwashed Hands Still Killing Thousands of American Hospital Patients Every Year?